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# HB008
School finance-average daily membership
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Waiting for Committee Assignment
Failed Introduction

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Bill Description

AN ACT relating to school finance; modifying the definition of average daily membership as specified; specifying applicability; and providing for an effective date.


This bill should be voted down as it financially rewards schools for lowering attendance requirements.  They will be getting paid more for providing less education to Wyoming children.

This bill amends the calculation of average daily membership (ADM) in W.S. 21-13-101(a)(i) to allow a student that attends at least 75 percent of a full time equivalency basis to be considered full time. Current law provides for a student that attends at least 80 percent to be considered full time. The result would be an indeterminable increase in ADM. 

An increase in ADM will result in an increase to the K-12 education resource block grant model’s School Foundation Program guarantee amount. An increase in the School Foundation Program guarantee amount will have a corresponding expenditure increase from the Public School Foundation Program Account in the form of school district entitlement payments and a corresponding revenue decrease to the Public School Foundation Program Account in the form of school district recapture payments.

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In Progress
Waiting for Committee Assignment
In Commitee
In Chamber
Governor's Desk
Waiting for Committee Assignment
Waiting for Committee Assignment
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In Commitee
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Governor's Desk
Failed Introduction
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