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# HB114
Protecting religious assembly in states of emergency act
Current Progress
Waiting for Committee Assignment
Failed Introduction

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Bill Description

AN ACT relating to public health and safety; requiring rules enacted during public health emergencies to provide exemptions for religious assembly as specified; providing for enforcement and remedies; authorizing a cause of action; providing exceptions to the Wyoming Governmental Claims Act; making conforming amendments; and providing for an effective date.


A vital bill enhancing and clarifying the fundamental religious liberties of all Wyomingites during a public health emergency.  The First Amendment of the U.S. Constitution and and Section 18 of the Declaration of Rights of the Wyoming State Constitution are very clear about the following religious liberties:

1. The right to practice one's religion without coercion
2. The right to express one's religious beliefs 

3. The right to act or abstain from acting based on one's religious beliefs
4. The right to be free from government interference in religious practices
5. The right to be free from government discrimination based on religion

HB114 makes it absolutely clear that our religious liberties cannot be infringed upon even during a public health emergency.

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Understanding the chart below
Each phase is highlighted with a colored/uncolored bar to show the latest activity.
In Progress
Waiting for Committee Assignment
In Commitee
In Chamber
Governor's Desk
Waiting for Committee Assignment
Waiting for Committee Assignment
In Commitee
In Commitee
In Chamber
In Chamber
To next chamber
Governor's Desk
Failed Introduction
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