# HB116
Driver's licenses-unauthorized alien restrictions
Current Progress
Waiting for Committee Assignment
Senate President is sitting on the Bill.
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Bill Description
AN ACT relating to driver's licenses; specifying that driver's licenses and driving operating privilege cards issued by other jurisdictions to unauthorized aliens are invalid in Wyoming; providing definitions; providing a penalty; making conforming amendments; requiring rulemaking; and provide for effective dates.
A common sense bill that will help increase election integrity and public safety.
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Understanding the chart below
Each phase is highlighted with a colored/uncolored bar to show the latest activity.
Waiting for Committee Assignment
In Commitee
In Chamber
Governor's Desk
Waiting for Committee Assignment
Waiting for Committee Assignment
In Commitee
In Commitee
In Chamber
In Chamber
To next chamber
Governor's Desk
Senate President is sitting on the Bill.
3rd Reading:Passed 45-15-2-0-0Yea: Allemand; Angelos; Banks; Bear; Brady; Bratten; Brown, G.; Byron; Campbell, K.; Clouston; Erickson; Geringer; Guggenmos; Haroldson; Harshman; Heiner; Hoeft; Jarvis; Johnson; Kelly; Knapp; Larson; Lawley; Lien; Locke; Lucas; McCann; Neiman; Ottman; Pendergraft; Rodriguez-Williams; Schmid; Singh; Smith; Strock; Styvar; Tarver; Washut; Wasserburger; Webb; Webber; Wharff; Williams; Winter; Wylie
Nay: Andrew; Brown; Campbell, E.; Chestek; Connolly; Davis; Filer; Larsen; Nicholas; Posey; Provenza; Sherwood; Storer; Thayer; Yin
Absent: Eklund; Riggins