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# HB121
Hospital pricing transparency
Current Progress
Waiting for Committee Assignment
Senate President is sitting on the Bill.

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Bill Description

AN ACT relating to public health and safety; requiring hospitals to list prices for medical items and services as specified; requiring the department of health to monitor and enforce the provisions of this act; providing penalties; prohibiting collection actions as specified; requiring recommendations for proposed legislation; providing definitions; requiring rulemaking; making conforming amendments; and providing for effective dates.


HB121 is a major advancement in Healthcare transparency for the people of Wyoming. The purpose of this act is to require hospitals to disclose prices for certain items and services, to provide civil penalties and to prohibit debt collection by non-compliant facilities.  The bill requires machine-readable and consumer-friendly lost of standard charges on a minimum of 300 shoppable healthcare services.

The bill also provides for the authority to suspend, deny or revoke a provider's license of any facility that is in material non-compliance and prevents them from initiating or pursuing a collection action against a patient for a debt owed for any services related to such non-complinace.

This bill would be an important and rare health care policy win for all of Wyoming. 

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Understanding the chart below
Each phase is highlighted with a colored/uncolored bar to show the latest activity.
In Progress
Waiting for Committee Assignment
In Commitee
In Chamber
Governor's Desk
Waiting for Committee Assignment
Waiting for Committee Assignment
In Commitee
In Commitee
In Chamber
In Chamber
To next chamber
Governor's Desk
Senate President is sitting on the Bill.


3rd Reading:Passed 58-3-1-0-0
Yea: Allemand; Andrew; Angelos; Banks; Bear; Brady; Bratten; Brown; Brown, G.; Byron; Campbell, E.; Campbell, K.; Clouston; Connolly; Davis; Eklund; Erickson; Filer; Geringer; Guggenmos; Haroldson; Harshman; Heiner; Hoeft; Jarvis; Johnson; Kelly; Knapp; Larsen; Larson; Lawley; Lien; Locke; Lucas; McCann; Neiman; Nicholas; Ottman; Pendergraft; Posey; Rodriguez-Williams; Schmid; Sherwood; Singh; Smith; Strock; Styvar; Tarver; Thayer; Washut; Wasserburger; Webb; Webber; Wharff; Williams; Winter; Wylie; Yin

Nay: Chestek; Provenza; Storer

Absent: Riggins
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