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# HB133
Sanctuary cities, counties and state-prohibition
Current Progress
Waiting for Committee Assignment
Senate President is sitting on the Bill.

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Bill Description

AN ACT relating to administration of the government; prohibiting the implementation of immigration sanctuary policies by cities, towns, counties and the state; prohibiting the designation of sanctuary cities, towns, counties and the state; creating a new felony offense; providing penalties; providing definitions; making conforming amendments; and providing for an effective date.


A common sense bill that will increase public safety and help protect the rule of law in rogue counties in Wyoming.  Teton County has already released over 103 individuals with ICE detainers, allowing these illegal immigrants to walk free instead of cooperating with federal authorities.

Teton County is now listed as a non-cooperative sanctuary jurisdiction by ICE, adopting policies that are putting communities at risk.  The safety of Wyoming communities cannot be compromised by this type of lawless behavior.

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In Progress
Waiting for Committee Assignment
In Commitee
In Chamber
Governor's Desk
Waiting for Committee Assignment
Waiting for Committee Assignment
In Commitee
In Commitee
In Chamber
In Chamber
To next chamber
Governor's Desk
Senate President is sitting on the Bill.
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