Bill Description
AN ACT relating to children; providing legislative findings; specifying protections for specified adoption and foster care providers and parents; prohibiting discriminatory actions associated with adoption and foster care; specifying remedies and causes of action; making conforming amendments; providing definitions; and providing for an effective date.
HB149 provides protection for adoption agencies and foster care providers and adoptive and foster parents related to their religious beliefs. Specifically this bill seeks to
- prevent government agencies from taking discriminatory action against a person providing adoption or foster care services based on or in a manner consistent with a sincerely held religious belief.
- prevent government agencies from denying custody of a foster or adoptive child based on a person's sincerely held religious belief but may consider whether a person shares the same religion or faith tradition as a foster or adoptive child when considering placement of the child in order to prioritize placement with a person of the same religion or faith tradition.