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# HB167
Local government reporting
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Waiting for Committee Assignment
Failed Introduction

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Bill Description

AN ACT relating to the administration of government; requiring certain reports and adopted budgets of municipalities, counties, school districts and special districts to be posted to websites as specified; requiring adopted budgets to include a report on revenues and expenditures from the preceding fiscal year; specifying applicability; and providing for an effective date.


HB167 is a straightforward government transparency bill that greatly improves transparency at the local level by requiring special districts or other specified entities to post their proposed and adopted budgets conspicuously on their websites as well as file the proposed budget and adopted budget with the county clerk no later than 30 days after the budget is adopted.

The specific local entities that will be required to post their budget information includes:

(i)  Airport joint powers boards;
(ii)  Cemetery districts;
(iii)  Conservation districts;
(iv)  Fire protection districts;
(v)  Flood control districts;
(vi)  Housing authorities;
(vii)  Improvement and service districts;
(viii)  Joint powers boards;
(ix)  Local improvement districts;
(x)  Museum districts;
(xi)  Predator management districts;
(xii)  Recreation boards of trustees appointed pursuant to W.S. 18-9-201;
(xiii)  Recreation joint powers boards;
(xiv)  Regional transportation authorities;
(xv)  Resort districts;
(xvi)  Rural health care districts;
(xvii)  Sanitary and improvement districts;
(xviii)  Senior citizens' districts;
(xix)  Solid waste disposal districts;
(xx)  Water and sewer districts;
(xxi)  Water conservancy districts;
(xxii)  Watershed improvement districts;
(xxiii)  Weed and pest districts;
(xxiv)  Other districts as specified by law.

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Governor's Desk
Waiting for Committee Assignment
Waiting for Committee Assignment
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