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# HB172
Repeal gun free zones and preemption amendments
Current Progress
Waiting for Committee Assignment
Senate President is sitting on the Bill.

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Bill Description

AN ACT relating to concealed weapons; repealing gun free zones; providing for the carrying of concealed weapons as specified; creating a criminal offense for prohibiting entry to a person carrying a concealed weapon as specified; clarifying that only the state legislature may regulate firearms, weapons and ammunition; providing for exceptions; requiring rulemaking; and providing for an effective date.


Repeal of Gun-Free Zones Bill Passed the Wyoming House, but Work Remains in the Senate!

Despite passing the House, there is still strong opposition from opponents who don’t believe you have a right to protect yourself in areas where only criminals will be armed.

There is also the possibility of a Conference Committee between the House and Senate or a Governor’s veto, so PLEASE TAKE ACTION TO MAKE YOUR VOICE HEARD!

HB172 restores Second Amendment Rights to Wyoming citizens and makes Wyoming a safer place.  The facts are clear:

- Research indicates that 94% of mass shootings occur in Gun Free Zones because criminals don’t obey signs and know law-abiding people are disarmed in these zones.

- The FBI reports that 86% of police believe armed citizens can stop or reduce the severity of a mass shooting.

- CDC reports show that guns are used 16 times more often to save a life than to take a life.

- 12 States already mandate that people can carry guns on College Campuses.

- All the neighboring states to Wyoming allow carry in the Capitol except Colorado.

- Utah has allowed carry in Secondary Schools for 30 years without incidence. Six other states also allow concealed carry at schools.

- We have a Constitutional Right to protect ourselves, our families and our communities.

View on Wyoming LSO
Understanding the chart below
Each phase is highlighted with a colored/uncolored bar to show the latest activity.
In Progress
Waiting for Committee Assignment
In Commitee
In Chamber
Governor's Desk
Waiting for Committee Assignment
Waiting for Committee Assignment
In Commitee
In Commitee
In Chamber
In Chamber
To next chamber
Governor's Desk
Senate President is sitting on the Bill.


3rd Reading:Passed 50-10-2-0-0
Yea: Allemand; Andrew; Angelos; Banks; Bear; Brady; Bratten; Brown; Brown, G.; Campbell, K.; Clouston; Connolly; Davis; Erickson; Filer; Geringer; Guggenmos; Haroldson; Harshman; Heiner; Hoeft; Jarvis; Johnson; Kelly; Knapp; Larsen; Larson; Lawley; Lien; Locke; Lucas; McCann; Neiman; Ottman; Pendergraft; Rodriguez-Williams; Schmid; Singh; Smith; Strock; Styvar; Tarver; Washut; Wasserburger; Webb; Webber; Wharff; Williams; Winter; Wylie

Nay: Byron; Campbell, E.; Chestek; Nicholas; Posey; Provenza; Sherwood; Storer; Thayer; Yin

Absent: Eklund; Riggins
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