Bill Description
AN ACT relating to professions and occupations; authorizing health care providers to provide telehealth services to persons in Wyoming without a Wyoming license; providing requirements; requiring rulemaking; making conforming amendments; and providing for effective dates.
A health care provider, as defined in W.S. 26‑55‑102(a)(xii),
with a valid, unencumbered license and who is in good standing to
practice in any other state, United States territory or the District of
Columbia shall be permitted to conduct telehealth services with persons
who are physically present in Wyoming when telehealth services are
rendered without first obtaining a license under this title. In
(i) The health care provider who is not licensed in Wyoming shall be physically present outside Wyoming in order to conduct telehealth services under this section;
(ii) The appropriate licensing board shall be notified before the health care provider begins providing telehealth services under this section unless a patient has an established relationship with the health care provider;
(iii) As used in this section, "telehealth" means the practice of medicine by electronic communication or other means from a health care provider in one (1) location to a patient in another location.
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