Bill Description
AN ACT relating to public health and safety; requiring the licensure of surgical abortion facilities as specified; providing criminal penalties for violations; specifying civil liability for damages resulting from abortions; providing definitions; making conforming amendments; specifying applicability; requiring rulemaking; and providing for an effective date.
HB42 will require critical safety measures be put in place for all abortion facilities in Wyoming including the following:
- No surgical abortion facility shall provide surgical abortions to any pregnant woman without first being licensed as an ambulatory surgical center.
- Surgical abortion facilities must report each surgical abortion to the department of health and attest in the report that the physician is licensed and in good standing with the state board of medicine
- Documenting that demonstrates that all licensed physicians have admitting privileges at a hospital located not more than ten (10) miles from the abortion facility where the licensed physician is performing or will perform surgical abortions.
- Any surgical abortion performed at a surgical abortion facility in the state shall only be performed by a physician licensed in the state of Wyoming.
- No person shall perform a surgical abortion at a surgical abortion facility in Wyoming who is not a licensed physician with admitting privileges at a hospital located not more than ten (10) miles from the abortion facility where the surgical abortion is performed.
View on Wyoming LSO
3rd Reading:Passed 52-8-2-0-0Yea: Allemand; Andrew; Angelos; Banks; Bear; Brady; Bratten; Brown; Brown, G.; Campbell, E.; Campbell, K.; Clouston; Connolly; Davis; Eklund; Erickson; Filer; Geringer; Guggenmos; Haroldson; Harshman; Heiner; Hoeft; Johnson; Kelly; Knapp; Larsen; Lawley; Lien; Locke; Lucas; McCann; Neiman; Ottman; Pendergraft; Posey; Rodriguez-Williams; Schmid; Singh; Smith; Strock; Styvar; Tarver; Thayer; Washut; Wasserburger; Webb; Webber; Wharff; Williams; Winter; Wylie
Nay: Byron; Chestek; Jarvis; Nicholas; Provenza; Sherwood; Storer; Yin
Absent: Larson; Riggins