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# SF133
Protection of parental rights-amendments
Current Progress
In Chamber
In the Senate waiting on the 1st reading.

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Bill Description

AN ACT relating to parental rights; authorizing claims and defenses against governmental action violating parental rights as specified; and providing for an effective date.


SF133 protects and defends parental rights of all Wyoming families by restricting government immunity from liability when a government entity is found guilty of damages resulting from a violation of parental rights that currently exist in Wyoming statutes.  Specifically, Wyoming Statute regulating parental rights which states the following:

14-2-206. Protection of parental rights; applicability.
(a) The liberty of a parent to the care, custody and
control of their child is a fundamental right that resides first
in the parent.

(b) The state, or any agency or political subdivision of
the state, shall not infringe the parental right as provided
under this section without demonstrating that the interest of
the government as applied to the parent or child is a compelling
state interest addressed by the least restrictive means.

(c) The parental right as provided under this section
shall also apply to any state or local education agency, school
district, board of trustees, commission or school under title 21
of the Wyoming statutes regarding communication or disclosure to
a parent about that parent's unemancipated child.

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Understanding the chart below
Each phase is highlighted with a colored/uncolored bar to show the latest activity.
In Progress
Waiting for Committee Assignment
In Commitee
In Chamber
Governor's Desk
Waiting for Committee Assignment
Waiting for Committee Assignment
In Commitee
In Commitee
In Chamber
In Chamber
To next chamber
Governor's Desk
In the Senate waiting on the 1st reading.
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